Reasons Not to Write Your Own Will

Ever considered writing your own will? While you can draft a will on your own, there are plenty of reasons why you may not want to go that route. Most people do it to save money, but they may overlook or forget to take care of some important details – details that could eventually cost them much more than the amount they could save. Some of the biggest mistakes include:

Ignoring state law differences. Will kits and online wills may not always take state laws regarding the administration of probate into account. An estate planning attorney can inform you of these state laws; a will kit or website may not.

Not revoking an earlier will. Many wills contain boilerplate language that automatically revokes any preceding will. If you are writing your will totally on your own (some people still do), you may not realize the necessity of such a clause.

Assumptions. If you will property to an heir, what happens if you outlive that heir? What if you will an asset to a friend or relative today and that asset is gone when your will is executed someday? These are important things to contemplate; things that most people who write their own wills have not considered.

Vagueness. Sometimes executors are not given enough power by the language of a will. Sometimes a home will be left to a spouse, but with no one assigned to pay for upkeep of the home during the rest of that widow’s lifetime. Alternate executors are sometimes omitted from wills, and names of nonprofit groups can easily be misstated or misspelled, inviting complication and possible dispute of charitable intent.

Keep in mind this article is for informational purposes only and is not a replacement for real-life advice. You may want to consider consulting a legal professional before making any changes to your estate strategy. Instead of searching the Internet or the Yellow Pages for a stranger, ask your Shepherd Financial wealth advisor for a referral.

Life Insurance at an Early Age

Perhaps you’ve heard the maxim, “Preparation is the key to success.” But when it comes to life insurance, knowing when to prepare is almost more important than the preparation, itself.

Sure, it can be difficult to think about life insurance as early as your 20s, but life moves pretty fast sometimes. Before you know it, you’ll be in your 30s and possibly supporting a family. Even if you have a different life plan, taking care of those who matter most is always a wise move.

Many consumers believe they simply can’t afford life insurance on top of all the other bills they pay at an early age. That’s a valid concern! After all, you should never engage in any sort of financial venture beyond your means.

Several factors will affect the cost and availability of life insurance, including age, health, and the type and amount of insurance purchased. Life insurance policies have expenses, including mortality and other charges. If a policy is surrendered prematurely, the policyholder also may pay surrender charges and have income tax implications. You should consider determining whether you are insurable before implementing a strategy involving life insurance. Any guarantees associated with a policy are dependent on the ability of the issuing insurance company to continue making claim payments.

Insurance can be an intimidating topic, but it doesn’t have to be. Even if right now isn’t the best time to purchase life insurance, discussing the future is a smart move.

National Estate Planning Awareness Month

October is National Estate Planning Awareness Month. Have you created or updated your estate plan?

Plan for tomorrow (today).
That seems like sensible advice, doesn’t it? Yet a surprising number of people leave no estate plan in place for their survivors. It makes a certain amount of sense. Nobody likes talking about death. But this is exactly why you should make an effort to create and maintain an estate plan: you simply won’t be there to settle matters when the time comes.

Everyone has an estate.
Someday, it will be someone’s job to account for the things you leave behind when you die. This goes for homeowners and renters, those who are retired, those who are working full-time, and everyone from every walk of life.

Everyone needs an estate plan.
Without your instructions, it could be decided in court. If you don’t leave behind an estate plan, your family could face major legal issues and, potentially, bitter disputes. Your estate plan may include wills and trusts, life insurance, disability insurance, guidance on the care for children and other dependents, powers of attorney, a living will, medical directives, anatomical donation directives, a pre-or post-nuptial agreement, extended care insurance, charitable gifts, debts, passwords, digital assets, and more.

Why not just a will?
While your will may state who your beneficiaries are, they may still have to seek a court order to have assets transferred from your name to theirs. Estate planning can include items like properly prepared and funded trusts, which could help your heirs to avoid probate. Probate can be an expensive process and lock up assets during the time they’re needed most.

Beneficiary designations on qualified retirement plans and life insurance policies usually override bequests made in wills or trusts. Many people never review the beneficiary designations on their retirement plan accounts and insurance policies, and the estate planning consequences of this inattention can be serious. Having an estate plan means keeping the estate plan updated, as time passes or changes happen in your family.

Where do you begin?
We recommend that you speak with a qualified financial professional – one with experience in estate planning. Please contact us so that we can refer you to a good estate planning attorney and a qualified tax professional, and from there assist you in drafting your legal documents.

National Life Insurance Awareness Month

September is National Life Insurance Awareness Month, so it’s a great time to review your coverage.1 If you don’t have any life insurance, you’re not alone. Life insurance is one of those ‘someday’ things for many people, but the cheapest time to buy it is probably today.

There are two kinds of life insurance: term and permanent. Additionally, there are three kinds of permanent life insurance: whole, universal, and variable.

How do these forms of life insurance differ, and how do you find out which type of coverage is right for you? The way to find out is to look at where you are in life, so that you can assess your current insurance needs. Have you reviewed your insurance lately? Don’t think you need life insurance? If so, consider the following potential factors that may make it a good idea:

You have a spouse or partner

You have children

You have an aging parent or disabled relative who depends on you for support

Your household depends heavily on your income

Your retirement savings or pension won’t be enough for your spouse or partner to live on should you pass away

You own a business, either solely or with partners

You have a substantial joint financial obligation, such as a personal loan for which another person could be legally responsible after your death

In any of these circumstances, you may require life insurance. If you have coverage, changes in your life may demand an update.

The affordability of life insurance may surprise you. Many people think it is expensive, and so often, it is not. A 20-year term life policy with $500,000 in death benefits can cost you less than $70 a month.2 Life insurance is intended to help your loved ones financially after you die. The proceeds from a life insurance policy may help your spouse, partner, or family members manage finances if they have to adjust to life without your income. The death benefit may also be used to meet funeral costs and other final expenses, which may run into the tens of thousands of dollars.

Are you still unsure about buying life insurance, or do you suspect that your current insurance coverage needs to be updated? Our team would be happy to assist you in evaluating all the factors and help you choose an appropriate policy.





1. Several factors will affect the cost and availability of life insurance, including age, health, and the type and amount of insurance purchased. Life insurance policies have expenses, including mortality and other charges. If a policy is surrendered prematurely, the policyholder also may pay surrender charges and have income tax implications. You should consider determining whether you are insurable before implementing a strategy involving life insurance. Any guarantees associated with a policy are dependent on the ability of the issuing insurance company to continue making claim payments.

2., 2023. Based on a male in excellent health.

SECURE 2.0: Catch-Up Contributions

With SECURE 2.0’s increased catch-up contribution limits set to take effect next year, it’s time for 401(k) plan sponsors to brush up on the rules and consider how to administer the changes. Under the current rules, 401(k) plans may allow participants to make catch-up contributions when they are age 50 or older. For 2024, the catch-up contribution limit is $7,500.

SECURE 2.0 creates a window of increased catch-up contribution limits for participants ages 60 – 63. Below are key questions 401(k) plan sponsors are asking about this change:

Are the changes mandatory?

Plan sponsors are not required to offer catch-up contributions. However, if a plan allows for catch-up contributions, it is important to check with the plan’s recordkeeper to determine whether or not opting out of the increased catch-up contribution limit will be permitted.

When do the changes take effect?

The new limits take effect for tax years beginning after December 31, 2024.

Which participants are eligible for the increased limit? 

Participants are eligible for the increased limits for the years in which they attain ages 60, 61, 62, and 63.

What is the increased limit? 

The increased catch-up contribution limit for eligible participants is the greater of: (a) $10,000, subject to cost-of-living adjustments starting in 2026; or (b) 150% of the limit in effect for 2024 (i.e., $11,250).


While the change seems straightforward, administration may be complex. For example, plan sponsors should consider how to track eligibility for the increased limits, in addition to tracking eligibility for regular catch-up contributions. Plan sponsors should also consider how to re-impose the lower catch-up contribution limits when participants age out of the higher limits. Employers may need to work with their payroll teams and update their existing processes (e.g., payroll codes) to implement these changes.

Finally, keep in mind that the increased catch-up contribution limits are separate from the SECURE 2.0 Roth catch-up rule for certain high-earning individuals, which the IRS delayed to 2026.

Considerations During Medicare’s Open Enrollment

How long has it been since you’ve reviewed your Medicare policy? With open enrollment fast approaching, there are a few questions you may want to ask yourself before you renew, add, drop, or switch coverage.

Have you switched doctors, or is your doctor no longer accepting your current plan? Or maybe your prescription drug needs have changed, and your Medicare plan doesn’t cover everything you need. Maybe you’re paying too much for your coverage and need to make adjustments. If you’ve reviewed your Medicare plan and realized you don’t quite have the coverage that you want, you can make changes during the fall open enrollment period. From October 15 – December 7, 2024, you can add, drop, or switch Medicare plans. Any changes will be effective on January 1, 2025, as long as the changes are submitted by the deadline.

Reviewing your Medicare coverage is an important part of your financial and insurance strategy. If you have any questions or need help navigating this process, reach out to the Shepherd Financial team.


SECURE 2.0 brought significant changes to retirement planning and distributions, including updating the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) requirements. As background, RMDs are the minimum amounts that individuals who attain their ‘required beginning date’ must withdraw from their retirement accounts each year.

SECURE 2.0 introduced several changes to the rules on RMDs, including the following:

Delaying the Age for RMDs
The age for starting RMDs has been raised from 72 to 73 years. This increased age provision phases in over time, with the final adjustment taking effect in 2033 to age 75. The change recognizes that many Americans are working and saving for retirement for longer periods, and the later distribution requirement allows for more flexibility in managing retirement assets.

No RMDs from Roth Accounts
Starting with the 2024 calendar year, participants are no longer required to take RMDs from their retirement plan Roth accounts. This change aligns the RMD rules for Roth accounts in retirement plans with the rules applicable to Roth IRAs.

Decreased Penalties for Missed RMDs
The excise taxes for failing to take an RMD have been decreased from 50% to 25% of the RMD amount not taken. The penalty may be further reduced to 10% if the RMD is corrected in a timely manner.

Here We Go Again

It’s easy to see why January is considered the start of new things – there’s a fresh calendar year and a plethora of resolutions get shouted from the rooftops. This feels like a chance to hit the reset button in many areas of life. At this point, you can see the race has a clearly-defined finish line – and it’s 12 months away. Of course, for some people, January is really right in the middle of the action. Maybe you’re gearing up for your second semester and looking at a somewhat shorter distance to the finish line.

No matter the length of your particular race, though, it’s helpful to have a good idea of what you’re getting into. As runners will tell you, there is a vast difference between sprinting 100 meters and grinding out a marathon. From race preparation and strategy to gauging your pace along the way, you will benefit from having a plan in place before your feet ever leave the starting line. At Shepherd Financial, we believe financial wellness is one important piece of whole-life wellness. So while we hope financial goals are part of your plan (and want to help you set and achieve those goals), don’t stop there. Pause and think for a moment about how financial well-being could positively impact the rest of your life. Do you want to pay off debt? Save more for retirement? Increase your charitable giving? Send your kids to college? Travel more? We can help you create a plan and work toward those goals.

It’s also important to realize not all runners are built the same. If you’re a sprinter, don’t force yourself into strapping on a hydration belt to run 26.2 miles. Set yourself up for success by running your race. You may find it useful to set smaller goals with shorter timelines. We believe each of our clients has a unique lens with which they see the world. Getting to know you, as well as your strengths and weaknesses, is part of our process – if we craft a financial plan that doesn’t fit your specific needs, it doesn’t make sense to pursue it.

Don’t forget your running buddies! When you head out to pound the pavement for a few hours, it’s nice to know you have a support system by your side. Think through what you want to accomplish, then find the teammates who will encourage you to get there. Because our focus is creating retirement-ready individuals, our team is constantly producing new tools and educational resources. We love finding customized solutions for retirement plan sponsors, participants, and individuals.

A Spirit of Gratitude

We work in an industry focused on finances and future planning – two areas that can cause great stress. Our team strives to minimize worry, provide resources, and help each client feel equipped to achieve success, but that can sometimes mean working in a state of hustle and bustle. As we enter November and turn our eyes toward Thanksgiving, we’d like to slow down and highlight a few of our many blessings here at Shepherd Financial.

We are thankful for one another. Knowing how much we need each person’s skills and gifts, we feel so fortunate to work together. Each team member cares deeply about our clients, each other, and producing consistent, high-quality work. In the three years that Shepherd Financial has existed, we have experienced tremendous growth, and it couldn’t happen without the whole team giving their all every single day. We continue to challenge and encourage one another as we take on new roles and responsibilities.

We are thankful for our growing pains. As our partners moved from solo practices into a true team practice, we experienced our share of struggles and setbacks. Each problem, though, has allowed us to learn more about one another, strengthen our team bond, and produce creative solutions – such as customized videos, extensive fiduciary training, and e-newsletters designed specifically for either plan sponsors, participants, or individual clients. Moving into our fourth year, we are seeing incredible fruit from our hard work together. Because we have been through these storms, our successes seem that much sweeter.

We are thankful for our role in the industry. Our work has been noticed and lauded by several elite industry magazines and organizations in the past few years, a testament to the many ways Shepherd Financial seeks to innovate, implement best practices, and lead the charge for retirement readiness and financial wellness. Our team depth has really allowed us to see particular needs and move quickly to meet them. We are also thankful for both our partners and competitors in the industry – we are seeing positive momentum in bringing awareness and resources to underserved participants.

And, of course, we are thankful for our clients. We simply would not exist without you. Because we have the opportunity to work with corporations and individuals across the nation, representing a wide variety of industries and demographics, we gain new knowledge every day to better serve each of you. Our team has adapted how we communicate with specific groups of participants, figured out how to navigate different challenges, and interacted with many amazing people. We are truly blessed to partner with you!

Here’s to a season and spirit of gratitude.

–The Shepherd Financial Team

What’s Your Bottle of Milk?

Indiana is renowned for its litany of sports legends. You’ve likely heard of fan favorite Peyton Manning or a trash-talking guy named Reggie Miller. Perhaps you’ve seen those little cinematic gems, Hoosiers and Rudy? And in the month of May, it’s commonplace to see Indianapolis flooded with spectators, all eager to witness what’s known as The Greatest Spectacle in Racing – the Indy 500.

Drivers complete 200 laps to try and win this 500-mile race. Their prize? It’s unique – winners get an ice-cold bottle of milk to celebrate their triumph at the Speedway. Yes, there is a monetary prize as well, but many drivers have claimed getting to drink the milk is the better reward – it’s symbolic, celebratory, and a refreshing end to a grueling race.

Here at Shepherd Financial, our passion is helping individuals and plan participants navigate their personal roadmap to retirement. Like Indy 500 drivers, many things are needed along the way: clear vision, endurance, and support from others. The process starts by asking yourself these questions:

·         How much money will I need at retirement?

·         Where is my retirement income going to come from?

·         How much should I be contributing today?

·         How should I invest my retirement savings?

·         What steps do I need to take right now?

It’s important to remember your working years are a long race, and some seasons may feel achingly repetitious. There are other times when, out of necessity, you must take a pit stop. Life changes – like having a baby, buying a house, or losing a spouse – happen and can feel frustrating (and maybe even like you’re spinning your tires), but we’d encourage you to use those moments to reset and refocus.

Ask for support and let other people help you. A driver may have a great understanding of how his or her car works, but their job on race day is to drive. Changing tires, refueling, and making mechanical tweaks are the responsibilities of the pit team. The driver simply needs to radio the crew and ask for help. In the same way, financial professionals can walk through the roadmap questions with you, enabling you to focus on your current race.

Visualize your end goal and think about what it requires to get there. Yes, you are striving for the monetary prize of funding your retirement income goal. But how will you celebrate actually reaching the finish line? What’s your bottle of milk?

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