Supporting Financial Literacy in Young Professionals
Young professionals just entering the workforce must learn to balance immediate financial demands with long-term goals. Building financial literacy is a critical foundation for long-term success. You have the opportunity to help your employees build strong habits for a healthy journey toward retirement. Here are five ways you can help guide younger employees toward a firm financial foundation.
Begin with a Budget
About a quarter of millennial and Gen Z workers don’t know how much they need to save to retire comfortably. Establishing a realistic budget is a great first step in working toward long-term savings goals. As an employer, you can offer resources to help employees build a straightforward spending plan that includes saving for retirement and health care expenses.
Emphasize Saving Early
Young professionals have the advantage of a long savings horizon. Help them understand the importance of establishing savings habits early to capture the power of compound interest over time. Aside from the company retirement plan, though, there are other vehicles to support financial goals – like health savings accounts (HSAs).
Educate on Health Savings Accounts
A successful savings approach considers possible medical expenses. HSAs offer trip tax savings and can be used to pay for current eligible health care expenses. But unused funds roll over annually to cover future medical expenses, offering employees a dedicated pool of savings to help them prioritize wellness right into retirement. Despite their clear benefits, there’s still tremendous opportunity to help young professionals engage with their HSAs more fully – nearly one-third of employees under 30 are not contributing anything. Employer contributions can help encourage young professionals to contribute as well. Encourage employees to monitor their accounts and make incremental changes until they are maximizing their HSA contributions.
Promote Building an Emergency Fund
While saving for retirement is crucial, it is equally important to have liquid savings for immediate, unexpected expenses. Encouraging younger employees to establish an emergency fund ensures they have a financial cushion for unforeseen circumstances like a medical emergency or job loss. Challenge them to save three to six months’ worth of living expenses in an accessible account. This reduces the risk of dipping into long-term savings and provides financial security.
Make Wellness Part of Workplace Culture
Gen Z has the least positive life outlook and may be less proactive overall in seeking care. Encourage your younger employees to make routine care a priority and help them understand their role in paying medical expenses. Help them establish wise habits to build their financial literacy and take control of their personal goals.
What is a health savings account?
A health savings account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged way to save for qualified medical expenses. Because it offers potential tax advantages and money within the account can be invested, an HSA can be used to pay for both near-term medical expenses and expenses in retirement. HSAs are portable, meaning they move with you when you change employers. An HSA has triple tax advantages:
• Your pre-tax contributions reduce your taxable income (if you choose to fund your account with after-tax contributions, you may be able to take a deduction when you file your taxes)
• The money isn’t taxed while it’s in the account, even if it earns interest or investment returns
• As long as the funds are used for qualified expenses, you won’t owe taxes when you take money out of the account
PRO TIP – After reaching age 65, you can withdraw money from your account for any reason at all without paying a penalty; this will be considered taxable income, though, so you’ll pay taxes on these types of withdrawals.
How does it work?
An HSA must be paired with an HSA-eligible health plan. Once you’re enrolled in this type of health plan, you can make pre-tax contributions to the HSA, creating a cash cushion to help offset the higher deductibles HSA-eligible health plans usually have.
If you don’t need the money right away, you can save it until you do. Many HSAs allow you to invest the money after reaching a certain threshold. (These features set HSAs apart from another popular account, the flexible spending account (FSA). FSA money typically has to be used by the end of the plan year, can’t be invested, and can’t be taken with you to another employer.)
Your employer may make matching contributions to your HSA, so be sure to ask – you won’t get a tax deduction on what your employer contributes, but this extra money has the potential to grow over time if invested.
What’s a qualified medical expense?
Generally, qualified expenses include things big and small, from ongoing costs to unexpected ones, including doctor visits, medications, X-rays, medical equipment, dental care, vision care, and much more. IRS Publication 502 explains the expenses in detail.
What are the contribution limits?
Contributing to your HSA early and investing those savings can help you better afford medical care in the future. Pay attention to the annual contribution limits:
• In 2024: $4,150 (individual coverage) / $8,300 (family coverage)
• In 2025: $4,300 (individual coverage) / $8,550 (family coverage)
Keep in mind: if you are at least 55 years old, you can contribute an additional $1,000 annually.
These limits include employer contributions, so make sure you know how much is being contributed in total.
Do you still have questions?
When planning for your future healthcare expenses, it’s important to understand how your HSA might pair with what you’re saving in your company’s retirement plan. To dig into the details of your personal situation, call the Shepherd Financial team at 844.975.4015.
Financial Shutdown
Did the recent 35-day partial government shutdown affect you or someone you know? It’s quite possible, considering it forced 800,000 federal workers to miss paychecks and hurt many small businesses. And since the three-week spending bill expires soon, there could be even more financial repercussions.
These recent circumstances certainly give reason to pause and wonder: are you prepared for a financial shutdown in your life? If that question feels too broad, what about this one: if you were in a serious accident and had to miss work, how long would your current financial situation carry you? 35 days? 6 months?
This is about more than just creating an emergency fund – though you should, since it’s widely touted 40% of Americans can’t cover a $400 emergency. And it’s not just about having proper insurance coverage, though that’s certainly important, too. The bigger issue is thoughtfully creating a financial plan and knowing where to turn if the bottom falls out.
As a plan sponsor, you might feel the pieces in your plan are well-aligned. That’s positive news! But can the same be said for your employees? If they can’t currently address a $400 bill, how would they handle a total shutdown if it occurred? You can help prepare your team by proactively providing education and wellness opportunities, offering useful resources that speak to real situations, and taking the fear out of financial conversations.
Employees don’t get off the hook that easily, though – everyone is ultimately responsible for themselves. Consider the last time you gave yourself a financial checkup. Start with a budget you’ll actually follow, build up your emergency fund, and pay off debt. Then push deeper – ask for help to balance college funding, utilize a health savings account, max out your retirement account options, and optimize tax strategies.
The Shepherd Financial team is always only a phone call away. Whether you’re currently in a financial crisis or want to create a plan to see you through one, we want to help.
Save More. (And Save Smarter.)
No matter our job titles here at Shepherd Financial, we are all nerds. Every last one of us. Case in point: every year, the IRS announces new contribution limits for retirement savings.
Because it’s vital information for how we operate, timeliness is essential – so at a meeting several weeks ago, I jokingly suggested there would be a prize for the team member that conveyed the new information to me first. Perhaps the IRS caught wind of our challenge; instead of releasing the limits mid-October, as they traditionally have, we waited with bated breath until November 1st.
(I’m completely serious when I tell you one team member set her Twitter account to alert her every time the IRS tweeted. She still didn’t win.)
In brief, the new limits: in 401(k), 403(b), and most 457 plans, the contribution limit was raised from $18,500 to $19,000. Not a huge jump, and the limit tends to increase by about that much every year. Significantly, though, the IRS has increased the contribution limit for traditional individual retirement accounts (IRAs) for the first time since 2013 (the limit is now $6,000).
But what’s the big deal, you might be asking? Essentially, the government has enabled Americans to save more. Larger retirement contributions can mean lower tax bills and more income in retirement. And if you happen to be an American with a late start on your retirement savings, this is good news. If you’re over age 50, between your 401(k), IRA, and catch up contributions, you could save $32,000 in 2019. That doesn’t even take into account an employer match or integrating a health savings account in your retirement investment strategy.
And that’s where saving smarter comes in. All these investment vehicles play a unique role in your overall retirement savings strategy. If you’re not sure about how to best utilize each one, call our team at Shepherd Financial. We nerds have a great time figuring this out every day.
What the Health?
If you’ve been around the past few months, you’ve probably seen that health savings accounts (HSAs) are all the buzz in the retirement industry. But what’s the fuss?
Well, a major fear for adults is that they’re going to run out of money to pay for health care or long-term care as they age. Studies estimate the average 65-year-old retired couple is going to need between $250,000 and $300,000 for out-of-pocket health care expenses, though some reports push those numbers over $400,000. Regardless, it’s an intimidating number, especially for employees already struggling to save for retirement.
So how can HSAs help? These tax-advantaged medical savings accounts were created in 2003 as part of the Medicare Modernization Act to provide Americans with more knowledge about and more control over their health care spending. HSAs are designed to help people save money for current and future qualified expenses.
An HSA can be a very effective companion to a 401(k) plan when preparing for retirement. And for certain employees, after qualifying for their employer’s matching contribution in the 401(k) plan, it could make sense to max out their HSA contributions. There are three primary tax advantages:
- Like a 401(k) account, employees can make pre-tax contributions, lowering their taxable income. Employers can also contribute to the account, either in a lump sum or with each paycheck.
- The money grows tax-free and, depending on the HSA’s features, can be invested for greater growth potential.
- As long as the money is used for qualified healthcare expenses, withdrawals and any investment gains are 100% tax-free. (If money is withdrawn before age 65 for any reason other than paying qualified medical expenses, there is a 20% IRS penalty, and the funds are considered taxable income.)
An HSA’s positive features don’t end with the triple tax savings – they’re individually owned and portable, which means employees have control of their accounts and can transport them from job to job. Unlike a flexible spending arrangement (FSA), HSA money isn’t forfeited at year-end.
Though there are contribution limits, HSAs allow more than just the account owner to contribute, because after-tax contributions are also permitted (and if made by the account owner, these contributions can also then be deducted on personal taxes). Additionally, individuals age 55 or older can make catch-up contributions.
Employees can easily miss out on an HSA’s advantages if they are not properly educated about its features. The Shepherd Financial team is equipped to help your participants better understand their whole suite of benefits; call us today to schedule an HSA-focused employee engagement meeting!
None of the information in this document should be considered as tax advice. You should consult your tax advisor for information concerning your individual situation.
View from the Top: Our NAPA 401(k) Summit Roundup
Because we’re passionate about staying at the forefront of industry trends and regulations, Shepherd Financial recently sent a team to the National Association of Plan Advisors (NAPA) 401(k) Summit. This national conference allows industry experts to interact and share relevant, best-practice strategies for serving retirement plans. Our team highlighted the following topics as key difference makers in the retirement industry, plan administration, benefits collaboration, and plan participant financial wellness:
Industry News: Plan Litigation
The news continues to swirl with lawsuits against corporations, alleging their 401(k) plans have high fees harming employees. Such litigation has brought greater awareness to the fees being charged in plans, as well as a sense of urgency for retirement plan committees to take their fiduciary duties seriously. For example, the duty of exclusive benefit means fiduciaries must be aware of and fully understand all expenses paid from the plan – but it doesn’t end there. Expenses must also be deemed reasonable for the services provided. There is no obligation to choose providers or investments with the lowest costs; the best choice for a plan is unique to the plan’s objectives and characteristics. The most important elements for avoiding litigation over fees come in the form of a consistent process and thorough documentation.
Plan Administration: Committee Relationships
It can be beneficial to establish a committee to assist plan sponsors in the development of prudent processes for plan governance. It’s considered best practice to select a committee chair and establish a committee charter. Utilizing a committee charter to formally authorize the purpose and scope of the committee defines how committee members are selected or appointed, how often meetings occur, and the roles of any outside consultants. Understanding each party’s role, financial liability, fiduciary responsibility, and signing authority can help ease the administrative burden.
Benefits Collaboration: Health Savings Accounts
The buzz continues around health savings accounts (HSAs): they’re the link between health care and finance, but many employees still don’t understand their unique benefits. These savings vehicles provide triple tax-advantaged opportunities (tax-deductible contributions, tax-free earnings, and tax-free distributions), but few are taking advantage. Often confused with flexible savings accounts (FSAs) or health reimbursement accounts (HRAs) and their ‘use it or lose it’ rule, unused HSA funds from the current year roll over to the next year, so participants don’t have to worry about forfeiting their savings. Additionally, employees are often not saving enough to fully utilize the investing capabilities of the HSA – savings can be invested in mutual funds, stocks, or other investment vehicles to help achieve more growth in the account. Clearer education is needed to enable participants to fully engage in their whole suite of benefits.
Plan Participants: Watch Your Language!
The retirement plan experience can be extremely intimidating for participants, and language choices from both plan sponsors and advisors are important. Communication needs to be positive, reasonable, clear, and personal. Participants respond well to a process that is readily accessible, but they first need to hear why they’d want to participate. Using phrases like ‘a comfortable and enjoyable retirement’ and ‘an easy, cost-efficient, and satisfying path to retirement’ resonated well with employees. Each company has unique demographics, so plan sponsors should work closely with their advisor to determine the best language fit for their participants.
This list doesn’t need to be overwhelming – navigate each of these areas by working with your advisor to create a retirement plan strategy every year. Incorporate a formal process that includes regular plan cost benchmarking, a thoughtful examination of plan design, thorough documentation of committee policies and procedures, and honest conversations about how to better equip participants to retire well.